Quick Game Review (Friday, 12 June) – Analysis by Mark Kellie
Game reviewed at the Dayton Chess Club on June 12th, 2013. G/15, names removed. Game commentary and analysis by: M. Kellie
1. e4 g6
2. d4 Bg7
3. c3 c6
Position Look: White has control of center and Black seeks to attack the center with an unconventional approach, possibly delaying a counterstroke in favor of many other possible transpositions.
4. Bd3 d5
5. e5 h5?
Position Look: Black is now mixing systems; is this a Caro-Kann, a King’s Indian, or perhaps even a French? The move h5 here is very aggressive and strikes immediately for a possible King wing attack; perhaps, Black even wants to make White think twice before castling to the King side? h5 also delays giving away Black’s opening ideas and patterns and gives many, many non-standard possibilities to the second player.
6. Ne2 Nh6
7. O-O O-O
8. Nd2 Bf5
Position Look: What patterns are we now seeing? A reversed London system or Caro-Kann? The mixing of systems is said to be ‘not-so-good’, and yet, Black seems to be doing just fine thus far! Which proves that rules or principles of the game are not…’set-in-stone’. Part of the fun of chess is knowing when to break the rules or principles and when, …not to!
9. Nf3 Bxd3
10. Qxd3 e6
11. Nf4 Nf5
12. h3 h4!
Position Look: Black seems to stop any King side counter-attack possibilites with h4!
13. Bd2 Nd7
14. Rae1 c5
Position Look: Both sides now signal their attack intentions. White desires to play on the King side and Black desires to blow a opening through the Queen side. Who’s intention is more committal and therefore, unlikely to succeed? IMO, …White…for how does White blow a opening through the King side?
15. Re2 Qb6
16. Bc1 cxd4
17. cxd4 Bh6
Position Look: Black now seems to forget about his plans on the Queen side? Is this move necessary? IMO, …NO
18. Rfe1 Kg7
19. b3 Rfc8
Position Look: Black now goes ‘All-In’ for his Queen side play/ideas. What can White do? It appears that Black’s ideas will likely win since White is stalled in the middle and on the King side. Black must now feel very good about his break-through possibilities! After all, he owns the only open ‘highway’ on the board…the open “c” file!
20. g4! hxg3 e.p.
21. fxg3 Nxg3
Position Look: Yes, White has sacrificed a pawn and greatly weakened his King side position; however, White has also shifted the focus back to the King side and, created many tactical possibilities…as we’ll now see…
22. Nxe6+! fxe6?
Position Look: Better would have been Qxe6! but as expected, Black is stuck in his Queen side ideas. Now, with the risked move sequence White had hoped for, Black opens the floodgates to White’s …ideas; remember, ideas in this game are more important than material (usually), not to mention part of the fun of chess. Ideas, Ideas, Ideas! It’s about IDEAS!!!
23. Bxh6+ Kxh6
24. Qe3+ Kg7
25. Rg2 Nf5
26. Qg5 Nf8
27. Qf6+ Kg8
28. Kh2! Qc7
29. Reg1 Ne7
30. Ng5 Nc6
31. Nxe6 Qf7
32. Rxg6+ Resigns
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